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Why TikTok’s viral job trends could cause you to lose your career – or any prospect or one

Why TikTok’s viral job trends could cause you to lose your career – or any prospect or one

TIKTOKERS may be taking it for a laugh, gently poking fun at work culturebut it might be worth paying attention to what you post.

However, employees have started checking applicants’ TikTok accounts, and some trends could make you seem lazy or, worse, incompetent.


TikTok has over a billion usersPhoto credit: Reuters
Bare Minimum Monday started as a way to combat the Monday blues


Bare Minimum Monday started as a way to combat the Monday bluesPhoto credit: TikTok/itsmarisjo

A career expert named Jasmine Escalera told Newsweek that the ease of posting online could have serious consequences.

Here’s everything you need to know about the TikTok trends that could cost you a job.

White font

According to Generation Z TikTokers, white fonting is a “hack” that uses an employer’s AI to your advantage.

White font videos show a user copying a job description and pasting it into their resume in white font.

Read more about TikTok trends

The white font prevents an employer from seeing the text, but the AI ​​would capture everything that is in the white text.

This tricks the AI ​​into believing that the applicant meets all the job criteria.

Jasmine warned about this trend when speaking to Newsweek.

She said: “Although it seems like a clever workaround, using white font can backfire.

“Recruiters are aware of this ploy and often consider it a deception that can lead to a loss of credibility and trust.”

The absolute minimum on Mondays

Another TikTok trend that can hurt your career prospects is Bare Minimum Monday.

The trend has users talking about how to beat the Monday blues with the essentials.

Some TikTokers even said that starting the week relaxed helped them combat anxiety and stress.

However, Jasmine said posts about workplace essentials could be harmful.

She said: “This trend promotes the idea that it is acceptable to glide through work at the start of the week.

“Although self-care is important, being consistent with the bare minimum can create the impression of laziness or disinterest.”

Quitting quietly became very popular after the pandemic


Quitting quietly became very popular after the pandemicPhoto credit: TikTok/bengeister

Quiet quitting

Quiet quitting is one of the most infamous trends to go viral on TikTok.

It was about users sharing how they secretly started refusing to go above and beyond in their work, choosing instead to just do the bare minimum.

The ethos of the movement is that employees should not do work for which they are not paid.

However, some employers argue that going above and beyond in your job is a good way to get promoted.

They suggest that if you only do the bare minimum, you might appear lazy.

In #QuitTok videos, users film the moments when they quit their job


In #QuitTok videos, users film the moments when they quit their jobPhoto credit: TikTok/josiejoyyy


#QuitTok takes it a step further with the silent quitting video.

As part of this trend, Gen Z workers are sharing their reasons for quitting their jobs on TikTok.

Others film themselves on Zoom or in the office quitting before naming and shaming their employers.

Jasmine said: “Posting a resignation on TikTok may attract short-term attention, but also raises concerns about discretion and professionalism.

“Potential employers who find these videos may view them as a red flag and wonder whether the person will engage in similar behavior at their company.”