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“During Covid, shopping was my medicine.” “I still have clothes with tags in my wardrobe that I bought back then” – The Irish Times

“During Covid, shopping was my medicine.” “I still have clothes with tags in my wardrobe that I bought back then” – The Irish Times

Lana Dullaghan is a graduate of the Interior Design Academy of Ireland and will be at the PTSB Ideal Home Show at the RDS in Dublin from October 18th to 20th.

Are you a saver or a spender?

I’m more of a spendthrift. I love fashion and beautiful things for the home, so it’s hard to save when I’m constantly exposed to so many wonderful items. I also like to invest in products and new business ideas.

Are you shopping for better value for money?

Sometimes I shop around for better value for money, but if I really like something I just buy it and convince myself that I deserve a reward.

What was your most expensive purchase so far and how much did it cost?

It’s probably my art collection of Irish artists that I started investing in some time ago. I can’t resist adding new artworks and falling in love with a painting every time I visit exhibitions. I’m not sure how much the whole thing costs in total, but I think it’s better not to know so I can allow myself to enjoy a little more before I find out.

What shopping options have you preferred during Covid-19 restrictions – online or local?

Both. I’m sorry to say that shopping was my medicine during the Corona crisis. I still have clothes with tags in my closet that I bought during that time. I’m a people person and love getting to know others. The lockdowns have been a real struggle for me, so I turned to shopping to comfort myself.

Do you haggle over prices?

Not really. I always think about how much work and effort people put into developing products and services and usually never haggle.

Dáithi Ó Sé: ‘I keep change in my car for the tolls and it can go missing. My young fella is my main man and suspect’Opens in new window ]

How has the Covid-19 crisis changed your spending habits?

After Covid, I realized that I needed to be more mindful of my purchases, so I had to change my habits around comfort purchases. If I really like something, I think about it for a few days or even a few hours before I buy it. This way I make sure I actually like it or need it instead of making an impulse purchase. My spending during Covid has definitely made me realize a lot of things.

Do you invest in stocks?

No, not yet.

What did you buy last and was it good value for money?

I came across a beautiful dress online but it was quite expensive so I told myself I’d have to think about it for a few days. Then it went on sale and I was pleased with myself when I bought it.

Have you ever lost money?

I would prefer to say no, but as an entrepreneur I like to invest in products and new ideas. Because my business didn’t focus on essentials during the coronavirus crisis, I actually lost money when the pandemic hit, and I’m sure I wasn’t alone. Due to Covid, various global crises and Brexit, the economy has been very unstable for many companies in recent years. However, I am a positive person and always remind myself that these challenges are part of the process and a valuable learning experience.

Are you a gambler and if so, have you ever had a big win?

I’m not a gambler, although I’m still waiting for my big win!

Is money important to you?

It’s good to have money and stability, but they were never a priority for me. I believe that if you have passion and joy in what you do, you will make money.

How much money do you have with you now?

I never carry a lot of cash because it’s so convenient to have a card connected to my phone. I currently carry €5, €20 and €50 notes with me.