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Why Rhiannon becomes a murderer

Why Rhiannon becomes a murderer

Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for Episode 1 of Sweetpea.

sweet peaThe premiere of The Movie featured the perfect mix of comedy and drama, culminating in Rhiannon killing her first victim after much foreplay. Starz’s new limited series centers on Rhiannon Lewis, a seemingly normal and innocent girl whose life quickly unravels and she becomes a murderer. The series is led by Ella Purnell, who has been involved in some excellent projects in recent years and once again delivers a stirring performance. Your commitment to Prime Video Stand out is perhaps her biggest role to date, but Purnell’s sweet pea Role is the exact opposite of Stand outThis is Lucy.

While both characters start out as friendly, kind-hearted people, Rhiannon fails to maintain her gentle nature. Instead, sweet peaThe cast of interesting characters pushes her further and further down a dark path that leads to her taking out her frustrations on a complete stranger. The brutal incident makes the rest of the season even more exciting, as it will be fascinating to see how Rhiannon reacts to her life-changing decision while trying to go about her normal life. Interestingly, the murder was not planned, however sweet peaThankfully, the opening episode revealed all the key factors that led to Rhiannon taking her first life.

Rhiannon killed a man at the end of Episode 1 of Sweetpea after he showed her no respect

Rhiannon’s frustration reached its peak when a stranger urinated on her

Rhiannon’s first murder occurred on a canal, where she murdered a man who showed her no respect. The protagonist was already upset and on the verge of a breakdown, but the straw that broke the camel’s back was a man urinating on her. After feeling invisible for most of her life, things reached a boiling point when the stranger began targeting Rhiannon, claiming he hadn’t seen her. In response, she scolded the man before kicking him between the legs, which only made him more aggressive as he raged at her and hurled threats at her.

Instinctively, Rhiannon plunged her knife into his neck before stabbing him repeatedly. She then threw his body into the water, put the murder weapon in her bag and casually made her way home. Her first murder was chaotic, and while the stranger’s disrespect towards her definitely triggered a tantrum, it wasn’t the only reason she attacked him. The man just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, doing the wrong things and Rhiannon’s brutal murder was a huge shock and a change in tonewhich proves why Ella Purnell is sweet peaThe evaluation results are so good.

How Rhiannon’s first murder was the highlight of her life so far

Many previous events in Rhiannon’s life have brought her to her breaking point

Although Rhiannon’s killing was completely unplanned, it turned out to be the result of numerous factors that pushed her into a moment of utter brutality. Her normally shy and friendly demeanor would suggest that she wasn’t the type to hurt, let alone kill, anyone, but years of feeling invisible led to her eventually snapping. sweet pea There were a lot of big revelations about Rhiannon’s life in episode 1, but perhaps the biggest of them was that she was bullied at school. A girl named Julia tormented her by pretending to be dead, which caused Rhiannon to lose her self-esteem and start pulling out her hair.

Her past had a massive impact on her adult life as she rarely stood up for herself or challenged those who ignored her. As a result, Rhiannon is often disrespected and disregarded in her work life and does not have much of a social circle. When her mother left her when she was younger and her sister lived abroad, The only people Rhiannon was really close to were her father and her dog, both of whom died in the opening episode.


Ella Purnell’s TV hot streak is incredibly impressive

Yellowjackets actress Ella Purnell is in the midst of an incredible and long-running Rotten Tomatoes streak with her TV projects.

Since her sister not only wanted to sell the house where Rhiannon lives, but also hired Julia as a real estate agent, her frustration only grew. All of these factors essentially led to Rhiannon breaking, and it was the man by the canal that ultimately brought out this darker side. The protagonist may have been drunk and grieving when she stabbed her victim, but it was a lifetime of invisibility and the loss of two loved ones that pushed her over the edge and produced an unlikely killer.

What Rhiannon’s killing in Episode 1 means for the rest of Sweetpea

The man at the dock could be the first of Rhiannon’s many victims

Ella Purnell as Rhiannon Lewis smiles while eating ice cream at Sweetpea

The ending of Episode 1 will have huge implications for the future, as Rhiannon’s first murder could be the start of many more. sweet peaIt was noted in the promotional materials that the protagonist may kill multiple timesand now that she has developed a penchant for murder, more violent scenes may follow. The series will likely force Rhiannon to balance her everyday life with her dark secret, creating a compelling story for the future. She may have to become more creative with each murder and work harder to cover her tracks to evade the police, who will likely launch an investigation.

New episodes of
sweet pea
are released every Friday on Starz.

It will be interesting to find out who her next victims are and what connections they have to Rhiannon, but her bloodlust could also impact their relationships. It can change how people see her, which can cause those around the protagonist to notice her strange behavior and become suspicious. Therefore, in addition to those Rhiannon already hates, they could also be potential victims, with Julia at the top of their list. The killing by the canal will undoubtedly change Rhiannon in the future, making it a crucial scene that will inevitably shake the plot and the personality of the protagonist sweet pea continues.