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Ohio officials lift ban on open burning | News, sports, jobs

Ohio officials lift ban on open burning | News, sports, jobs

(Photo illustration/MetroCreative)

COLUMBUS – Working with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Ohio State Fire Marshal Kevin Reardon has issued an order lifting a ban on open burning that was originally ordered on September 6 in response to extremely dry conditions across much of the state .

While drought conditions continue to prevail in portions of the state, the onset of moderate fall temperatures and atmospheric conditions, as well as recent sustained rainfall, have provided sufficient moisture throughout the state to result in a significant and sustained reduction in wildfire fuel loads during the first half of October. Most importantly, these reduced wildfire fuel levels are not expected to return to the dangerous levels observed in September in the foreseeable future. Particularly in much of the state where there were measurable amounts of rainfall, the grass turned green again and heavier wildland fuels such as larger sticks and logs had the opportunity to soak up moisture, greatly reducing the threat of uncontrollable wildfires.

Last month’s ban on open burning relied heavily on the U.S. Drought Monitor, which focused on general long-term drought conditions. An additional and well-established index to examine for drought-related wildfire risks is the Keetch Byram Drought Index (KBDI), which links rainfall effects to wildfire fuel availability and is based on the concept that fuels with less moisture burn more actively and fuels with more moisture Burning with less intensity or possibly not at all.

The hot, dry summer and early fall conditions resulted in extreme and exceptional drought conditions, as noted in the US Drought Monitor, as well as very high KBDI values, meaning wildfire fuels were exceptionally dry. This led to many problems related to forest fire danger: the grass was withered and dry and very susceptible to ignition; large logs were very dry and ready to burn with extreme intensity; and organic materials on and in the soil had very little moisture.

Rains in early October provided sufficient moisture across much of the state, allowing KBDI and wildfire moisture values ​​to recover to a more average range for this time of year. Additionally, the cooler, fall-like weather that has come to the state has had a less dramatic impact on fuel drying out and has also helped fuels recover from the extreme drought conditions.

“Factors we are looking at are flammability, or how easy it is to ignite the fuels on the ground.” Reardon said. “When these fuels are drier, they obviously ignite more quickly. When more moisture is present, their ignitability changes significantly. There’s a lot to it, but it just boils down to how easy it is to start a fire on the ground.”

While the fire marshal’s ban on open burning has been lifted, if drought conditions worsen and KBDI levels return to concerning levels, the ban could be reinstated in areas of concern.

For those who wish to burn at unrestricted times, the Division of State Fire Marshal recommends doing so carefully and having a water source and tools on hand in case they are needed. Fires should never be left unattended.

“Think about the soil conditions at your location. If the ground is very dry, a fire can spread quickly and easily.” Reardon said. “We ask all Ohioans to be cautious, think before starting a fire and be fire safe.”

“Ohio law requires most outdoor burning in unincorporated areas to be prohibited from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. during October and November.” said Aaron Kloss, manager of the ODNR’s wildfire prevention division. “Also, make sure you are aware of any other open burning restrictions that may apply, including the Ohio EPA or local fire department regulations, and make sure you never burn on dry and windy days, even during an unrestricted period .”

The ODNR’s normal annual burning restriction is contained in ORC 1503.18c and prohibits most open burning between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. in unincorporated areas of Ohio. This restriction applies every fall from October 1st to November 30th and every spring from March 1st to May 31st.

All local burn bans issued by local jurisdictions will remain in effect unless lifted by the applicable jurisdiction.