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Tackle construction sites, bad roads and unsafe drivers

Tackle construction sites, bad roads and unsafe drivers

Driving in the vast state of Texas can be a bit annoying at times, as there seems to be construction going on throughout the Lone Star State. Add to that the fact that people do some jacked-up things while driving, and it can become a nightmare on Texas roads.

The hassle of driving in Texas comes not only from all the construction work, but also from bad roads riddled with potholes and some strange intersections that often leave the driver guessing what to do.

Terrible driving habits of Texans

But most importantly, what’s even more annoying is the ridiculous behavior of Texas drivers.

Before I get harassed about this article, I will admit that I have been guilty of some of these behaviors too. Yes, I talk to myself too.

Hello, I’m Chaz and sometimes I do stupid things while driving in Texas.

Use of cell phones

Whether it’s talking on the phone or texting, cell phone use while driving has gotten out of control. Whether it’s someone who drives very slowly because they’re fiddling with their phone, someone who takes selfies (yes, I saw that), or someone who likes to do a deep dive into the internet at a stoplight, people just aren’t paying attention street more.

Add to that the fact that there are a ton of social media platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, and others where people try to post that oh-so-funny video, and you find yourself in a potentially dangerous situation.

READ MORE: You could be breaking the law if you do this on Texas roads

Cannot merge properly

The turning lane is intended to be used, as you guessed it: a turning lane from one street to another. However, many will use it as a “merge lane”. If you are one of these people, stop it!

Also, people don’t understand how to get onto a highway. You should give way to the people who are already on the highway. Don’t try to interfere or get angry because someone didn’t move over. However, if you are already on the highway, it is wise and polite to switch to other vehicles.

Practically comes to a standstill when turning

I’m not saying you have to be on two wheels when turning. However, it is not necessary to come to an almost complete stop when turning from one street to another. Some circumstances, such as a child on the road or another car nearby, may force you to stop. But on a normal curve there is no reason to slow down.

Do not use the turn signal

Seriously, how hard is it to operate the little lever on the steering wheel when cornering? It’s literally just inches from your hand. Yet people in Abilene constantly forget to use it. When they use it, they wait until they literally turn around before using the turn signal. If you know how to use your cell phone, you should be able to use the turn signal.

Race the train to the intersection

Why? This is one of the most dangerous things you could ever do. Never take the train to the level crossing. As annoying as it is to have to wait on the train, it’s not worth risking your life.

These driving habits are not only annoying, but also downright dangerous. Take the time to drive alertly and safely.

The 10 most common driving violations in Texas

Here’s a look at the most common traffic violations in Texas.

Gallery photo credit: Billy Jenkins

Top 10 Texas cities with the most drunk driving deaths

Drunk driving is a major problem in Texas. According to the law firm of van Der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim, here are the cities that have the worst problems with drunk driving deaths across the United States, from least to worst.

Gallery photo credit: Daniel Paulus