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Kirby pushes the MSU player, Kirby explains his actions. 2 videos. – Clemson Football Forum

Kirby pushes the MSU player, Kirby explains his actions. 2 videos. – Clemson Football Forum

Video 1 – Kirby pushes the player. My interpretation before listening to his explanation.
He was upset with someone. I think it was the referee. He focuses on the guy and never sees the player. When the player (who didn’t see him) and Kirby make contact, Kirby gives him a hard push. I think it was reactive and not intentional. But I also think it was inappropriate. I don’t care if it was one of his players, staff or coaches. My interpretation is that if it had been an official of any kind (including a chain gang member), Kirby would have been ejected from the game and faced other penalties while the league was evaluating the video.

Video 2 – Post-match presser. Kirby says he went to his DC, not the officer, and doesn’t remember hitting anyone. (Go to point 9:25 of the video). After watching the video, I’m not sure if he was yelling at the referee or his DC. In any case, his actions were definitely over the top.

Video 1

Video 2