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Bay Area high school football league addresses viral ‘BTA’ TikTok trend that’s sparking fights across the country – Times Herald Online

Bay Area high school football league addresses viral ‘BTA’ TikTok trend that’s sparking fights across the country – Times Herald Online

OAKLAND — A chapter in California is taking steps to ensure a viral social media trend doesn’t lead to postgame fights in the East Bay.

The “Belt to Ass” video trend, which shows football players from the winning team using towels or belts to pat losing players on the butt as they pass in the handshake line, has become popular on the social media platform TikTok.

This “BTA” trend has recently caused a stir Headlines in Houstonand several Videos on TikTok Show that players and coaches from across the country take offense when they get hit.

In an email obtained from sources to the Bay Area News Group on Friday, Oakland Section Commissioner Franky Navarro wrote to coaches and administrators, imploring them to ensure that this trend continues after Oakland football games Athletic League, which begins this evening, does not occur.

“We understand the pressure and emotions that accompany competitive games, but we must all work together to prevent incidents that could compromise the integrity of our athletic programs,” Navarro wrote.

He called on coaches to emphasize sportsmanship to their players and make it clear that implementing the BTA trend will result in “disciplinary action, including expulsions and possible team sanctions.”

This news organization is not aware of any Bay Area teams participating in this trend, which many consider unsportsmanlike.

“We’re just being proactive when we start league play,” Navarro told this news organization.

Second-year Oakland High coach Terry Hendrix told the Bay Area News Group that he had never heard of the BTA trend before Friday, but didn’t hesitate to voice his opinion on it.

“Honestly, if any kid on my team was going to do that, that would be it,” Hendrix said. “There would be a severe punishment.”

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