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Playing Echo Point Nova is like diving through someone’s dreams after playing too much Titanfall or Tribes

Playing Echo Point Nova is like diving through someone’s dreams after playing too much Titanfall or Tribes

Echo Point Nova plays like a dream. By that I don’t mean that it’s a responsive, satisfying FPS with lots of intuitive and intelligent movement technologies (it is, by the way), but playing it feels like diving through someone’s dreams after playing a lot lots of Titanfall, Tribes and Minecraft adventure maps. Despite taking inspiration from some of the best in the genre, this film arrives as different in a very good way.

Released in the last week of September, Echo Point Nova is the second game from Greylock Studios, the one-man team that brought us the excellent bullet-time shooter Severed Steel. The family resemblance is clear to see: Echo Point Nova seemingly uses the same glossy and (optionally) ray tracing voxel engine as its predecessor, but inverts the design in many ways. While Severed Steel was all about optimizing a path through a narrow series of corridors and rooms and occasionally blasting a hole through a wall, Echo Point Nova gives you the sky and a pickaxe that destroys everything but reinforced metal.