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Electronic control with A2L leak detection

Electronic control with A2L leak detection

USA: Johnson Controls’ new Penn System 550 modular electronic control solution combines temperature, humidity and pressure control with A2L refrigerant leak detection and mitigation technology.

It is said to be the first of its kind to feature A2L refrigerant leak detection and mitigation capabilities as well as optional two-way cloud connectivity.

Keith Gifford, global product manager at Johnson Controls, said the System 550 would enable U.S. users to comply with the latest A2L regulations for detecting and containing refrigerant leaks.

The A2L refrigerant sensors are designed to have the fastest response time to detect refrigerant leaks and ensure occupant safety while minimizing system downtime and product loss.

Authorized users can easily monitor HVACR system performance and review and change System 550 menu settings by subscribing to the Controls System Cloud.

When a refrigerant leak is detected, the technician is informed via Modbus communication exactly which A2L refrigerant sensor detected the leak, further simplifying and speeding up maintenance and repairs.

The System 550 is designed to allow future use of sensors to detect A3 refrigerant leaks to prepare for the future as regulations for low global warming potential refrigerants continue to evolve.

The modular electronic control system allows up to six A2L sensors to be connected to a C550CCN control module, and up to 10 relay and/or analog outputs can be added via pluggable expansion modules without the need for field wiring.

Penn Controls